2024 Dinner Ads
2024 Dinner Ads & Sponsors
In Honor of our Choshuv Yedid
Rav Nitsan Lavi
Rav & Mrs.Mordecai Tandler
Congregation Ohr Moshe of Hillcrest
under the leadership of Rabbi Asher Schechter
proudly hails the accomplishments of our Dear Members
Rabbi Shmuel Kosofsky & Rabbi Nitsan Lavie.
Your dedication to Limuid HaTorah & its ideals are legendary and we are very pleased to join you in this celebration. May you both continue your great work for Klal Yisrael in good health with your beautiful families for many years to come.
Dedicated by the following families: Berkowitz, Bishop & Abadinsky, B. Ducat, Dulitz, Feld, Fisher, Friedman, Gitnik, R. Greenberg, Herschaft, Horn, B. Kosofsky & J. Meisner, Laks, Levovitz, Lichter, Perkal, Rockman, J. Schikman, A. Sisser, Vogel & Winokur.
Dad מזל טוב on your well deserved honor for getting סְמִיכָה. Keep up the good work. May you have a lot of נחת. Best wishes always.
Bezalel Kosofsky
To Rav Nitsan Lavie and our Dear Father Rav Sam Kosofsky
Mazal tov on this auspicious occasion! we are very proud of you! may you continue to grow in Torah and learning. we appreciate the encouragement of our mother who always supports and appreciates Torah, chased, and communal involvement.
Love Chana, Josh, Zevi, Simi, and Ephraim
Wishing Rabbi Paysach Krohn a Refuah Shelemah,
We Join In Honoring Yeshivas Madreigas HaAdam and the Rosh HaYeshivah Rabbi Faskowitz, Our Good Friend Rabbi Sam Kosofsky, and in Honor of Our Favorite YMD Alumnus, Rabbi Ari Steinig
Rabbi Sholom and Judi Steinig
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Mincha : 12:55pm |
Mincha : 5:25pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:20pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Feb 22, 6:28pm |
Shabbos Mevarchim
Shabbos, Feb 22 |
Join Our Mailing List
Alos Hashachar | 5:24am |
Earliest Tallis | 5:55am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:46am |
Latest Shema | 9:27am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:22am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:10pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:37pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:18pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:26pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:35pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 6:15pm |
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